Sunday, February 13, 2005
Each property deal the LACCD Board makes is ACTIVE NEGLECT of educational opportunities for Los Angeles Community College students. There is no effective citizen oversight of the improper spending of Proposition AA money, since the oversight committees meet only 4 times a year or less, making them "RUBBER STAMP" committees. To be effective, the citizen committees should meet at least once a month and be told exactly what the choices and options are with each proposal. Yet, the Board continues to spend on dubious projects beyond the terms stipulated on the Ballot AA measure. Teacher morale, vocational opportunities, and student attendance continue to drop to new depths, yet the board is preoccupied with outrageous real-estate-development deals.
An internal audit found 6 areas of internal communication that "need improvement". This means people who should be communicating are not doing so, and the inevitable result of this is WASTED TAX DOLLARS. MISCOMMUNICATION COSTS MONEY. And the foremost group this cloistered board must communicate with are the TAXPAYERS.
An internal audit found 6 areas of internal communication that "need improvement". This means people who should be communicating are not doing so, and the inevitable result of this is WASTED TAX DOLLARS. MISCOMMUNICATION COSTS MONEY. And the foremost group this cloistered board must communicate with are the TAXPAYERS.
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